Synchronized Clock with IRIG-B

GPS Synchronized Clock(NTP+IRIG-B)

GPS Synchronized Clock(NTP+IRIG-B)

Category: Synchronized Clock with IRIG-B

GPS Synchronized Clock with NTP and IRIG-B The BE-GPS-NB012 Industrial Grade GPS NTP/SNTP & IRIG-B Server that we manufactured are specifically for electric power system, automatizatio system, telecom system,CCTV and traffic system that need high-precise time requirer.Our system is based on GPS, and the precision of NTP time is 10ms…



Category: Synchronized Clock with IRIG-B

GPS同步时钟    产品简介 BE-NTP-011系列标准GPS时间同步钟是我公司基于专业的GPS接收机/北斗二代接收机部件进行二次开发研制而成。装置有标准RS232、RS422/485、脉冲、IRIG-B、PTP、NTP/SNTP协议时间输出等接口形式,可以适应各种不同设备的对时需要,广泛应用于电力、金融、通信、IT等领域。 技术指标 运行条件 1)装置环境条件 工作温度:-200C~+400C; 贮存温度:-400C~+850C; 湿度:<95%(不结露)。 2)电源 85~264 V AC或120~370 V DC ,频率47~63Hz。 18~36 V DC(典型值24V DC) 36~72 V DC(典型值48V DC) 3)抗干扰 在雷击过电压、一次回路操作、开关场故障、二次回路操作及其它强干扰作用下,装置不误动作。 装置静电放电干扰试验、电快速瞬变脉冲群干扰试验、高频干扰试验、辐射电磁场干扰试验、阻尼震荡波干扰试验、浪涌(冲击)干扰试验符合标准GB/T17626-1998(电磁兼容 试验和测量技术)和GB/T15153.1-1998(远动设备及系统 第2部分:工作条件第1篇:电源和电磁兼容),并达到Ⅲ级及以上标准。 技术参数 通    道:基于64通道HumbirdTM芯片 频    率:BDS B1(1559~1577MHz) GPS L1(1575.42MHz) 定 位 模 式:单系统独立定位                  …



Category: Synchronized Clock with IRIG-B

IRIG-B转NTP/SNTP转换器  Product Description(IRIG-B to NTP Converter): B E'S SY-B-N-01 is synchronized by a NTP Server and can be used as a time source for equipment that requires IRIG B  for synchronization.Optionally, the following output configurations are available: SY-B-N-01 Irig-B to NTP Converter can transform IRIG-B DC(B002) to NTP/SNTP time code…

IRIG-B to Fiber Optic Extender

IRIG-B to Fiber Optic Extender

Category: Synchronized Clock with IRIG-B

Product Description:  The SYN-8000 IRIG-B to Fiber Optic Extender that we manufactured are specifically for electric power system, automation system, telecom system, CCTV and traffic system that need high-precise time requirer.Our system is based on GPS, and the precision of NTP time output is 100ns and receive accuracy can be 1ms and…